Adding Seeding Jobs (Desktop)

Adding seeding jobs allows users to record the date they seeded each field and add any relevant notes. The seed job will remain Open until the user records that the field has been seeded. You can add these jobs from either the Desktop or App

Adding Seeding Jobs (Mobile)


1. Go to the farm's most recent Fertility Plan and click Create seed and fertilizer jobs. 

2. Select the fields you want to add seeding jobs for. 

3. On the next screen, it will ask which Fertilizers/Blends to Create Workorders for. If seeding is a spring operation, you would NOT select any fall applied products. Since this is creating seeding AND fertilizer jobs, you can select fertilizer and blends that are not going with the seeding operation and it will create a separate Open Fertilizer Job. If you don't want to create Open Fertilizer Jobs, for operations such as floater passes, then don't click those Fertilizer Blends in this screen. 

4. The following screen will carry forward the fertilizer and blends you selected in the previous screen. it will ask which Fertilizer/Blends are Applied with Seed Operation in One Pass. In this example, this farm is applying Sulphur Fines and Biosul through a floater, and these products are not going with the drill. They are applying NH3 and PK blends through the drill, so those will get checked off.  

5. NOTE: If you want to only add a Fertilizer Job (for example, a NH3 pass, sulphur floating, etc), then do not click any products on the Applied with Seed Operation in One Pass page. The fertilizer products you applied in the screen before will create Fertilizer Jobs.

6. Click Next and the Seeding Jobs (and Fertilizer Jobs, if applicable) will be added. 

7. Sync up so these jobs can be viewed in the app.