Access your SWAT CAM Assessment report from within the desktop app
On the home menu of SWAT RECORDS, you can now find a "SWAT CAM" button under reports.
It can also be found at the bottom of the 3D Viewer window under the Reports tab.
It will open a new window with all of your operation dates that are available to report on.
There is now the ability to generate your reports as a batch!
- Select whether you'd like your reports batched on a farm level, or field level.
- Select the date range for the reports you wish to generate.
- Use the 3D Viewer to help narrow the date range for operations on each field.
- Use the Preview Using Selected Date Range button to populate the list of available field reports for the date range you've selected.
- Be patient as this may take some time depending on how wide of date range and how many fields/operations exist within that range.
- Select what maps you'd like to generate on the right hand side
- (Optional) You can adjust the image quality for the pictures that get attached to the report
Note: If you raise the quality, your report size will be larger and may be more difficult to email
- (Optional) You can adjust the image quality for the pictures that get attached to the report
- For each field select the operation date from the dropdown. Since there are no SWAT CAM images on field (2) in our example I will leave it as "No Selection" so no reports will be generated for that field.
- When ready select Generate From Selection and the reports for all of your selected fields will be exported into a single PDF.
- This may take some time depending on how many fields you have selected.
Note: If you need to view the maps or images prior to generating the report, you can slide this window to the side and open the SWAT CAM viewer within the field