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How to Create a Fertility Plan in SWAT RECORDS

Set up the fertility plan

  1. On the left-side toolbar, click Fertility Plan.
  2. Click the Add button (+). Next set the crop year.

  3. Click the Edit Report. Enter a Report Title (i.e. 20XX Fertility Plan or 20XX Plan (Rented land))
  4. Click Pick Fields to select the fields to be included in the fertility plan.
    1. If multiple fields have been added to an existing fertility plan, select Sort By Fieldname to have the field sorted alphabetically.

  5. Next, click Add/Remove Blends & Fertilizers to add the fertilizer product to the report. Browse the list to find the required products, select and click the > Once all required products are selected, click OK.

    1. If a blended fertilizer product is required, click Edit Blends.
      1. Description = Name that will appear in the product list
      2. Report Line 1 = Name that will appear on the fertility plan
      3. Report Line 2 and Units = Application units of the product
        1. Dry products are lbs/ac or kg/ha.
        2. Liquid products are gal/ac, gal US/ac, or L/ha.
        3. NH3 is lbs/ac, lbs/ac Actual N, or kg/ha.
      4. Application Period = Season of application.
      5. Liquid = Checked for liquid and NH3 products.
      6. Set the products that are included in the blend and enter the corresponding analysis of each product in the blend.
    2. Follow this link to learn more about creating custom blends: Creating Custom Fertilizer Blends

  6. Once the fields and all fertilizer products are added, the basics of the Fertility Plan is set-up. As recommendations are made, the average rates applied per field can be updated on the Fertility Plan.