How To Use Metos Yield Predictor

How to view yield predictions, adjust settings and more

1. Yield Predictor is available only in the online platform.  Sign in to your Field Climate account here:

2. Yield prediction is available for up to 25 fields within a 10km radius of your weather station for the following crops: Barley, Potatoes, Corn, Canola, Soybeans, Wheat and Durum.  

3. The SWATMAPS team will add your fields and boundaries for you with basic settings.  The fields will appear under the Cropzone icon in Field Climate.

FC 1

4. Select a field.  In the Settings tab under Yield Prediction you can adjust your seeding and harvest date along with other features.  The picture below shows the details.  

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5. The Yield Prediction tab is where you see the results.  The yield prediction at the current day is a "worst case scenario" based on only the rainfall up to that point assuming no more rain is accumulated for the season.  The yield prediction value at harvest is based on current plus forecasted rainfall.  

FC 3

6.  In the Previous Yields section you can enter in historical yield data in order to fine tune the results.

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7.  Yield Prediction also includes satellite imagery.  Under the Satellite tab you have access to both Leaf Area Index and NDVI imagery.  

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8. Most pages on the Field Climate website have help icons   FC 6-1 with additional information on how a feature works or how to use it.

9. Metos has extensive manuals on how to use their software.

Field Climate Manual

Cropzone Manual    (Yield Prediction details begin in Section 5)