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Importing SWAT Boundaries into CNH Field Ops

This article explains the process of converting boundaries into CN1 files through SMS before they can be opened in Field Ops. It provides instructions for both the conversion process and the steps to follow in Field Ops.


GIS Technician SMS Instructions

  1. Open SMS
  2. Read files
  3. Import file from generic source
    1. Start importing generic files
  4. Shape File
    1. Select file to import
    2. Find your required shapefile (.shp only)
  5. Next
  6. Set import data type to “Boundary”
    1. Click “Set as field boundary
  7. Next x3
  8. Select, grower, farm, field (This step is ESSENTIAL)
    1. Next-Finish
  9. Find field .shp at the end of its data tree-Right click- Export
  10. “Export Full Device Setup to a Field Display/monitor”
    1. Start Device Setup Export Process
  11. Click Case IH
    1. AFS Pro700
    2. Export to selected display
  12. Choose desired save location and click OK
  13. Find that .cn1 folder and Zip it
  14. Open Field Ops
  15. Follow the instructions below