Importing SWAT Boundaries Into JD Ops
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to add SWAT MAPS boundaries into your John Deere Operations Centre account. Before starting, make sure your fields are already added to your account to ensure a smooth process.
GIS Technician
- Copy and paste the boundary .dbf, .shp, .shx and. prj into a new folder. NEEDS to be all 4 of these. You will need to change the names of the boundaries, so they are not all Boundary-1. Easiest to change them to the field name. When changing the file name, make sure to select ALL 4 files and rename.
- In JD Ops:
- Select “More” -> “Files”.
- At the files page, select “Upload Files” -> “Boundaries”.
- Select “Choose Files” and select all dbf, shp, shx, and prj files. No need to ZIP them, JD Ops will do it automatically. Don’t ZIP the whole folder and upload it, unsure if this works or not.
- Make sure all of the files say “Processing complete” under status, or they won’t work.
- Let the farmer know you have uploaded the boundaries and send them the following information OR continue on with the next steps if you have been given full permissions.
Click on the "Guide Me" feature in the top right hand corner on any of the slides to pull these instructions right into your JD ops.